8 Tips For Your Daily Skin Routine

Your skin is one of the most important parts of your body, and it can tell a lot about you. If you have a good skin routine and take care of it, then you'll look fresh, healthy and young! But if you don't have a good skin routine or don't take care of your skin properly, then it won't only show on your face but also on how other people see you as well. So why not start today with this simple guide on how to take better care of your skin?

Moisturise daily, morning and night!

Moisturising is a must! If you want healthy, glowing skin then it's essential that you moisturise daily.

  • Moisturise morning and night - don't skip moisturising on the weekend!
  • Use a good quality moisturiser for the most benefits which can be a cream or serum. Don't overdo it though; apply just enough so that your face feels hydrated but not greasy or oily (if this happens to you then try gently blotting your face with a tissue to get rid of excess product).

Don't use too much product

You don't need to use a lot of product, especially if you're just starting out. Too much can be wasteful and not absorb fully into the skin properly for maximum benefits, and applying too much can clog pores and may cause breakouts. Instead, start with the smallest amount possible and work your way up from there if necessary.

It's important to use a cleanser that's right for your skin type. If you have dry skin, look for formulas that are hydrating and moisturising. If you have oily or acne-prone skin, avoid products with ingredients like sulfates and parabens that can strip the skin of moisture.

Cleanse in the evening

Cleansing your skin at night is essential for many reasons. The first and most obvious benefit is that it allows you to remove makeup, dirt and grime from everyday activities. If you're wearing makeup during the day, it's important to take it off before bedtime--this will keep your pores clear and prevent breakouts!

The second reason that cleansing at night is so important is because this process helps prepare your face for moisturising creams and serums (which we'll talk about in a minute). A good cleanser should contain ingredients like glycerin or jojoba oil, which help remove dead skin cells from the surface of our faces while also hydrating them with moisture.

Finally: don't forget about eye makeup removal! You wouldn't leave mascara on overnight because it would clog up your lashes; same goes here--remove all traces of mascara before bedtime so that no nasty build-up occurs under eyes during sleep time :)

Exfoliate on a regular basis

Exfoliating is one of the most important parts of a skin care routine. It helps remove dead skin cells and make room for new, healthy ones to grow in their place. Exfoliation should be done on a regular basis (try for once per week) to ensure that your face always looks fresh and clean.

The frequency at which you exfoliate will depend on your skin type: oily, sensitive, dry or combination. Those with oily/acne-prone complexions should exfoliate every two days; those with sensitive or dry complexions should do so once every three days; while those who fall somewhere in between can opt for doing it every four days.

The best way to remove dead cells from your face depends on its condition - if it's very sensitive then using a chemical peel might not be ideal, although Lactic Acid is the gentler peel more suitable for sensitive skin. Chemical Peels tend to not only remove dead cells but also live ones as well, therefore if you have really sensitive skin you could opt for physical scrubs such as sugar scrubs which won't irritate the skin like some chemical products might do over time (especially if they're used too often).

Don't forget your neck and décolletage

You might be surprised to find that your neck and décolletage are often neglected when it comes to skin care. The truth is that these areas can age faster than other parts of the body, so they need extra attention if you want them to look younger for longer. Neck creams are designed specifically for this purpose and can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, as well as giving your face an overall lift by firming up loose skin in the jawline area (which is common after pregnancy and weight loss).

A good rule of thumb when it comes to using products on your neck: apply them at least twice per day; once in the morning before makeup application, then again at night after removing makeup.

Drink lots of water!

Drinking water is important for so many reasons. For one, it can help you lose weight. When you're dehydrated, it's harder for your body to burn fat because it has to use the limited amount of water in your system first. Drinking plenty of water will also keep your skin looking youthful and glowing--plus having clear skin makes you look younger!

Last but not least, drinking lots of H2O helps keep us hydrated (duh). When we're well hydrated, our bodies are better able to absorb nutrients from food (and other things) which means that we'll feel less tired throughout the day--and hey maybe even have clearer skin too!

Sunscreen is essential

Sunscreen is essential!

The sun's UV rays cause wrinkles, skin cancer and other damage to your skin. Sunscreen helps prevent this by absorbing or blocking some of these harmful rays. You should use sunscreen every day, even on cloudy days (when UV rays can still damage your skin). How much sunscreen you need depends on how long you'll be outside -- for example if you're going for a run at lunchtime in summer then maybe just apply it once every three hours; but if you're working outside all day then reapply every hour or so (or more often if things get sweaty!).

Sunscreen is available in many forms: lotion; gel; spray-on; wipes etc.. The best ones contain ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide which reflect light rather than letting it through into our bodies where it could do harm (this is known as "broad spectrum protection").

A good skin routine is important for looking after your skin, but also for looking after yourself.

Skin care is more than just a way to look good. It's also an important part of taking care of yourself, and can help you feel better about yourself in general.

A good skincare routine will help you combat acne, dryness, and other common problems associated with having bad skin. But beyond that, it's important because it teaches us how to be gentle with ourselves--to treat our bodies with care and respect by choosing products that work well for them rather than just trying whatever happens to be on sale at local retail stores or Pharmacy. If we want our outer appearance to reflect how we feel inside (and why wouldn't we?), then treating ourselves well is key!

There you go! A few simple steps every day can make all the difference to how your skin looks and feels. The key thing is consistency.